Friday, June 19, 2009

Water and Fireproof Data Storage


Every now and then a new product arrives that really gets our attention. This week we came upon IoSafe’s water and fireproof data storage products. There are three different drive sizes, 500MD, 1TB and 1,5TB. These drives can be submerged in 10ft of water for at least 3 days and can withstand well over 1500 degrees for at least 30 minutes. It’s like storing all your important data in a safe.
Besides the fact that its fire and waterproof the drives are very competitively priced, between $150 and $300, each drive comes with a 1 year data recovery warranty. If, for some reason you are unable to get the hard drive to work after a fire or a flood, IoSafe will spend up to $1,000 to try to recover your data. For an additional fee you can extend that warranty to 2, 3 or 5 years.
To us this seems like a no-brainer for small businesses and consumers who want to keep their important business data or family pictures safe from disaster.
You can find the IoSafe products by searching for “IoSafe”  on your storefront.

Unfortunately we do not have product information on the product on our product detail pages but we have some files you can use for your customers here :

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