Since we have many different types of resellers using our web sites to make money, it is impossible to give everyone the correct answer when it comes to finding more customers and selling more products. However, one thing is clear: waiting for customers to come to you will only work if you have a unique product that no-one else sells but you.
Below is a small list of articles and tools to give you some fresh ideas.
- 64 Creative marketing ideas
- Sample Computer Reseller Marketing Plan
- Sample Computer Repair Business Marketing Plan
- Marketing Your Small Business For Dummies
- Computer Marketing Do's & Don'ts for Drawing in Higher Paying Clients
- 6 Great tools to stay in touch with your customers
Here are some other tools you could use to acquire or stay in touch with your customers:
- - send up to 9,000 marketing emails a month for free
- - high quality business cards and other marketing products (look here first for coupons)
- Twitter (click here to see how your small business can benefit from Twitter)
- Facebook (Click here to see how your small business can benefit from Facebook)
Please place your comments below if you have other ideas that you want to share!
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