Thursday, September 27, 2007

Storefront Linking de-mystified

We have been getting a lot of emails lately requesting a little help linking to certain areas or pages on With the holiday season right around the corner it will probably pay off re-visiting your links and making sure everything works the way it should.

What NOT to do...
Make sure you never link to the storefront without including your Discount Code. Your Discount Code is the 9-digit Code starting with ND0. You can find this code on the home page after logging in to your account at For the examples below we will use ND0123456 and the links have been disabled.

Linking to the Home page
Only for the home page there are 2 ways to send your customers there. Let's start with the most difficult one;

  1. Because of engineering issues we advise you to use this one on your web site, it is more reliable and will modify any old or incorrect cookies. Use the following format and replace the Discount Code with your own.

  2. We also have the option for a "simplified" URL. You can change that in your storefront settings on . When you're visiting customers, for printed material or in your email signature you can use something like this . Of course this is much easier to remember than the first option.

Linking to ANY page
The formula for linking to any page on is quite simple.
Once you have located the correct page on the site just copy the URL (see image below) and add the following string:
&rsmainid=ND0123456 where you replace ND0123456 with your own Discount Code. The result would look something like this:

Again, you can do this with any page on the storefront.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

MPC back in your store?

If you have been following the news about Gateway or MPC (formerly known as MicronPC) you may have noticed this announcement. Some of you may still remember we used to offer MPC BTO products on the storefront . We decided to take MPC off-line over a year ago due to delivery times of up to 3 months.

Since then they seem to have made some dramatic changes to their operations in Nampa. One of us went to visit them a few weeks back to make sure we can stand behind MPC as we once did and they sure impressed us.

Since then we have been working with their engineers to get their Built-to-Order Desktops, Notebooks, Servers and Data Storage on your storefront. Within the next few weeks you will be able to offer your customers a second, US built and supported BTO manufacturer.

Click here if you want to check out their products.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New office location

We have moved back to beautiful Carmel, here in California. We had left this town 6 years ago for Monterey, just up the road but the office we occupied there had become too small.

Even though Google thinks we're camping in the field next door (see below), we are now occupying a very nice office building that should last us at least a few years.
If you are in the neighbourhood, please feel free to stop by.

Our new adddress is:
3771 Rio Road, Building 102
Carmel, CA 93923

View Larger Map

New site almost ready

We know it has been a very very long time since we have updated but there is light at the end of the tunnel. In the next 2-3 weeks we will do a "silent" launch. The site will be up for a day or 2 to see how it will work when "real" resellers use the site. Once we have tested the site we will take it down again and will analyze the results and fix any problems we have found. Hopefully not too long after that we will do the official launch.

Take a look at the screenshots below.

Home page after login.
Your storefront conveniently on one page.